
An employee of Siemens Charlotte Turbine-Generator Center inspects sections of a generator rotor system. Siemens state-of-the-art generator manufacturing operations include new-unit generator manufacturing as well as service repairs for steam turbines and generators. The Charlotte NC manufacturing facility was founded in 1967 by Westinghouse Electric Corporation to manufacture nuclear low pressure turbines. Siemens Charlotte plant is the primary service center for generator and steam turbine equipment in the Americas, and the lead plant for manufacturing new electrical generators. Internationally, Siemens AG is Europe's largest engineering conglomerate. 5400x3600 / 9.5MB
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nuclear turbine generation, nuclear power, Siemens AG, Siemens Turbine-Generator Service Center, Siemans, Charlotte NC manufacturing, high-tech manufacturing, state-of-the-art manufacturing, nuclear industry, green power, nuclear energy, nuclear technology, nuclear reactions, nuclear fission, steam turbines, interesting jobs, science and technology, science careers, technology careers, high-tech careers, North Carolina manufacturing, North Carolina jobs, science professions, workforce, engineering, engineers, scientists, technology, hard hat, personal protective equipment, PPE